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Elegant Drink

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Pierre Ferrand Dry Orange Curacao

Classic cocktails demand classic liqueurs and no liqueur is more classic than the Pierre Ferrand Dry Orange Cura?ao. Crafted in consultation with cocktail historian David Wondrich and based on a 19th century recipe, it is a traditional French ??triple sec?? ?V thee separate distillations of spices and the ??sec?? or bitter, peels of Curacao oranges blended with brandy and Ferrand Cognac. 


The result is a rich, complex and balanced liqueur that will bring new sophistication to your Punches, Slings, Fizzesand, of course Cocktails.


It is also delicious straight up or on ice. Aromas of orange blossoms combined with candied orange zest as well as toasted wood notes reminiscent of aged Cognac.


Product of France 40% Alcohol 700ml

Pierre Ferrand Dry Orange Curacao

SKU: B0031
  • Origin

    Product of France

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