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Deniset Klainguer Grande Liqueur de Sapins

Arefined fir tree bud liqueur.


The creation of Sapin liqueur is an art, it follows a very strict protocol in 2 complex steps:


1. A meticulous distillation of rigorously selected plants.


2. A fir bud and sugar infusion.


Whereas Sapin liqueurs are usually made on the base of a simple alcohol, sugar and fir buds or even branches maceration, the Emile Pernot distillery use their savoir-faire to make a refined liqueur according to the Deniset-Klainguer recipe.


This liqueur received a gold medal at the Concours G?n?ral Agricole (CGA) 2015 and 2017 in Paris.


The Sapin liqueur is traditionally drunk chilled without ice, in a little liqueur glass at the end of a meal.


Replace the sugar in your absinthe by a little dose of Sapin liqueur, the result is surprising!


Product of France 40% Alcohol 700ml

Deniset Klainguer Grande Liqueur de Sapins

SKU: F0046
  • Origin

    Product of France

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